Cooking: In a conical stone oven with oak and pine wood.
Fermentation: Pine wood vat
Distillation: Double, in copper still heated with a wood fire.
View: Crystal Clear.
Nose: Cooked Maguey, Honey.
Taste: Soft, velvety. Intense smoky aftertaste.
Maestro Mezcalero: Javier Velasco Montesinos.
Ocelotl - Tobala
Agave : Patatorum
750 ML
40% Alch. Vol
Preparation: Villa de Etla, Oaxaca
Maturation time: 10-12 years.
Cooking: In a conical stone oven with oak and pine wood.
Fermentation: Pine wood vat
Distillation: Double, in copper still heated with a wood fire.
View: Crystal Clear.
Nose: Cooked Maguey, Citrus, Pine.
Taste: Smooth, Sweet Intense Smoky aftertaste.
Maestro Mezcalero: Javier Velasco Montesinos.
Tepezcuiintle - Maguey Madre Cuishe
Agave : Karwinskii
750 ML
40% Alch. Vol
Preparation: Santa Maria Suchxtlan, Oaxaca
Maturation time: 12- 15 years.
Cooking: In a conical stone oven with oak and pine wood.
Fermentation: Pine wood vat
Distillation: Double, in copper still heated with a wood fire.
View: Crystal Clear.
Nose: Cooked Maguey,Pine, aromas of wt earh, slightly smoky and fresh.
Taste: Light alcoholic note and fresh grass flavors with a mineral touch. A balanced and elegant mezcal on the palate.
Maestro Mezcalero: Javier Velasco Montesinos.
Tiondo N' Ducha -Maguey Espadin
Agave : Angustifolia
750 ML
40% Alch. Vol
Preparation: Santa Maria Suchixtlan, Oaxaca
Maturation time: 8-9 years.
Cooking: In a conical stone oven with oak and pine wood.
Fermentation: Pine wood vat
Distillation: Double, in copper still heated with a wood fire.
View: Crystal Clear.
Nose: Cooked Maguey, Herbal, Pine.
Taste: Soft, velvety. Soft smoky aftertaste.
Maestro Mezcalero: Javier Velasco Montesinos.
ADS - Espadin
48.4% Alch. Vol
Maguey: Espadin (Agave. Angustifolia)
Producing Community: San Carlos Yuatepec, Oaxaca(- 3,00 feet)
Region: La Chontal
Cook: Steamed and roasted in a stone-lined earthen oven
Mash: Horse-drawn tahona mill
Ferment: Natural Spring Water and wild yeasts in Mexican Cypress vats
Distill: Twice in copper alembic stils
Nose: Brown Sugar and salinity, oak, cedarwood; leather
Palate: Full mount feel with sweet roasted agave, mesquite;green and expressive; notes of stone fruit with a bright pop of pink peppercorns on the finish.
ADS - Tobasiche
45% Alch. Vol
Maguey: Tbasiche (Agave. Karwinskii)
Mage: Mrta. Berta Vasquez
Producing Community: San Baltazar Chichicapam, Oaxaca (-5,000 Feet)
Region: Minas
Cook: Steamed and roasted in a stone-lined earthen oven
Mash: Horse-Drawn tahona mill
Fermentation: Natural Spring Water and wild yeasts in Mexican Cypress vats
Distillation: Twice in copper alembic stills
ADS - Madrecuishe
45% Alch. Vol
Maguey: Madrecuishe (Agave. Karwinskii)
Mage: Mrta. Berta Vasquez
Producing Community: San Baltazar Chichicapam, Oaxaca (-5,000 Feet)
Region: Minas
Cook: Steamed and roasted in a stone-lined earthen oven
Mash: Horse-Drawn tahona mill
Fermentation: Natural Spring Water and wild yeasts in Mexican Cypress vats
Distillation: Twice in copper alembic stills
Nose: Floral, Perfume; hint of lactic sweetness; potting soil;
Palate: Guava, passion fruit; light minerality with full flavor and round finish
ADS - Ensamble
46% Alch. Vol
Maguey: Ensamble of Espadin, Coyote,Cuishe, Barril (Agave. Angustifolia, Lyooba, Karwinskii)
Producing Community: San Baltazar Chichicapam, Oaxaca (-5,000 Feet)
Mage: Mrta. Berta Vasquez
Region: Minas
Cook: Steamed and roasted in a stone-lined earthen oven
Mash: Horse-Drawn tahona mill
Fermentation: Natural Spring Water and wild yeasts in Mexican Cypress vats